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Happy Tuesday everyone!  It’s Day 2 of “A Intentional Day Of Rest”.  It’s my week of extra daily chores that will enable me to take a true day of rest on Sunday, my Sabbath. 

Yesterday, I was able to buy the ingredients for our make-ahead Sunday dinner.  I also changed all the beds in the house and washed the sheets and blankets/comforters.  I lost track of how many loads of laundry it took after load #4.   Ahhh, it feels so good to have it all done. 

Today, I did another load of laundry in my quest to stay on top of it all so that this weekend will be laundry-free.  However, that’s about as far as I got.  Again, struggling to figure out exactly what I can get done this early in the week that won’t have to be redone before the weekend. 

We do have company coming over Friday evening for dinner so that will kick my cleaning into high gear.  That will move the major cleaning into Wednesday and Thursday and leave just some spot cleaning for Saturday.  But maybe that’s how I should be cleaning anyway.  Deep cleaning middle of the week so that just light cleaning needs to be done Saturday… well, along with the yard work of course.

So, the plan for tomorrow?  Bathrooms and kitchen.  Two things that will be easy to do a quick wipe down on later.  In fact, the kids already do wipe downs every morning of the bathrooms with good ol Clorox Wipes.  So after my deep clean tomorrow, bathrooms are off my list for the week. Yipee!


Happy Monday everyone!  As I think about what project I can do today in preparation for my Sabbath, I have to admit, I’m a little hard pressed to come up with one.  Oh, I can think of PLENTY of chores that need to be done today but what chore can I do that won’t need to be re-done 50 times before Saturday night?  Seriously.  Here in lies the issue behind all my previous, half-hearted attempts. 

BUT I am changing that.  I’ve decided to make Chicken Enchiladas this week for our Sunday dinner.  So today I’ll be heading to the store, while I’m out and about on other errands, to pick up the necessary ingredients.  Later today I’ll add the recipe to my cooking page for you to check out.  It’s a great make-ahead recipe.  Everything is cooked before you assemble so it can just be refrigerated until you’re ready to warm it up in the oven and proceed to inhale it.   These aren’t regular enchiladas by the way, I like to call them Honky Enchiladas because they are about as far from the original as you can get.  Okay maybe not.  I’m sure there’s some sort of dessert enchilada out there that would prove to be further from the original.  Rest assured though, they are a scrumptious variation.

So besides buying the ingredients to our Sabbath dinner, I’m going to change and wash the sheets from our beds.  It’s the only thing I can come up with that doesn’t have to be re-done before the end of the week.  (just to clarify, I do make our bed everyday… it’s the washing and changing of the sheets that I’m talking about) 

Stunning and life changing it, isn’t it?

Tomorrow will be even more so. 

Believe you me.


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