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that I’ve come within a stone’s throw of completely abandoning you.  I promise, I’m still here.  Just overwhelmed with the end of summer, camping trips, school lessons to plan, school starting and said lesson plans to put into practice. 


But I’m here.  In fact, because of a certain childhood virus, I’m homebound for the next 10 days. 

I’m guessing somewhere in there I’ll have plenty of time to write up all my random, bizzare, insightful, pointless and if you’re lucky, funny posts that have been buzzing around my head for the last month. 

I’ve missed you.

I just read a fabulous post over on Pioneer Woman’s website that you need to go read.  It’s from her homeschooling section.  I feel it hits the nail on the head and is funny in the process.  But then, Mrs. G. (her guest homeschool post-er), usually is. 

So while you mourn the lack of posts from me, go read hers. 

And maybe there’ll be something here for ya when you get back…

So read slow… reaalllll slllooooowwwwww…..

Oldest One in the Book

Especially when they are famous.

THE Pioneer Woman, Ree, just so happened to offer to write a post for me about the new curriculum I’m taking on this year. 

Weellll, really it was more that she and I BOTH needed to write about the same curriculum, we drew straws and she lost.

Okay, so maybe that wasn’t exactly it either.  We are on first name basis though. 

At least, I know HER first name and she’s read mine along the way (I like to think) but I’m sure it got lost amongst all the other details of her life at some point.  One day though, she’ll realize that my comments are always so incredibly witty and my thoughts so chock-full of wisdom that she’ll just HAVE to pick up the phone and give me a call.  Because we have so much in common…

we use a lot of the same curriculum for homeschooling…

we both love to cook…

I own one of her calendars…

Does that count for anything? 

All RIGHT! Man you guys are so harsh and picky about details!  OKAY! So, Ree doesn’t have my phone number (Ree, email me if you want it!).  And so what if she has hundreds of stalkers people already lined up waiting for an invite into her “little” ranch world full of manure, cows, horses, kids, cowboys and food. 

It’s still nice to know there’s somebody who’s teachin’ and a edjakating hur kids thu sayme way I is. =0)

Can I just proclaim the fact that I got to see Seinfeld during our trip to Vegas last weekend?  Yep.  I did.  The seats were only a few rows back and HE. WAS. HILARIOUS! At one point I cried.  I cried big ol tears.  I cried big ol tears while I howled embarrassingly loudly for a sober person.  Not that there were drunk people stumbling up and down the aisles or anything.  Far from it.  I was just a little too loud at one point, of course waaayyyy to late to be able to try to stop myself.  By the time I’d realized it the damage was done.  But what the heck.  He WAS funny.  And I’m moving on.  I’ve never claimed to be an etiquette queen.  I’m just thankful there wasn’t a snort in there somewhere too.  At least, I’m pretty sure there wasn’t one… 

Anyho, if you ever get a chance.  Go.  He won’t disappoint you, your abs will get a great workout and your hubby will be so happy you didn’t drag him to a show where the men wear tights.

This week is landing me back to the land of reality HARD.  Amongst the trials of trying to get back on schedule (why is it so easy for your body to get accustomed to sleeping in and not cooking after only two days?! Why?!), school starts next week.  Which for us homeschoolers, means crunch time.  This last week is filled with last minute changes to your lesson plans and dashes to the bookstores and libraries to try and locate the books for these said last minute changes.  It’s also the time to sit down and really take a gander at what the lesson plans even are.  Have I scheduled enough?  Have I scheduled too much?  Am I getting chunkystretching the kids intellectually or freaking them out and scarring them for life?  Sometimes, what seems to be a no-brain-er really is a fine line between great success and utter, total, hair-singe-ing chaos.  So yes, I’m stressing.  I almost wish school would just start so I could see how this is all going work, or not work.  Then I could hurry up and make the adjustments and quite worrying.

Oh wait, that’s right. 

I can’t stop worrying. 

Because my name is MOM. 

Ha, silly me.


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